Resource Speakers

DMAIPH is proud to feature the talents on three of the most sought after analytics & data science speakers and trainers in the Philippines. Collectively we are the Rock Stars of Analytics & Data Science in the Philippines. 🙂

IMG_1310Daniel Meyer, Analytics Champion

Dan specializes in a variety of analytics themed training and speaking option including HR& Recruitment Analytics, Data Analytics, Data-Driven Decision-Making and Analytics for CEO’s.

Click here to see Dan’s full speaker/trainer profile:



Dominic Ligot, Data Scientist

Doc’s areas of expertise focus on Fintech, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Transformation.

Click here to see Doc’s full speaker/trainer profile:


As a general rule, Dan trains people just getting started with analytics and Doc works with people who need help with data management making sense of all their big data.

For information on how to book Dan and Doc please send a detailed e-mail request to

DMAIPH offers a wide range of analytics centric training solutions for professionals and students via public, in-house, on-site, and academic settings. We tailor each training event to meet the unique needs of the audience. If you need empowerment and skills enhancement to optimize the use of analytics in your organization, we are here to help. Contact DMAIPH now at or connect with me directly to set up a free consultation to learn which of our DMAIPH analytics training solutions is best for you.